These testimonials have been put after clients approval


1. "Thanks. Yr words do a bit in restoring my faith in humanity ,after what i hv been thru. Appreciate your fairness."

- A post matrimonial lady client

2.  "It was a pleasure to associate and work with VIS. Their results were target specific and knowledge oriented which was well within our budget and as a team they were prompt and reliable. We were given a realistic approach to the issue and a plausible belief of the outcome with results to match the same.

I would recommend their services to anyone in the future."

- A solicitor from Australia.

3. "Thanks a lot for the report. This is really good news for me and our family. We are not into financial interests in marriage matters and expected a good girl from good family. Your report played a crucial role in my decision and fixing the girl. I will send you my wedding invite, please plan to attend."

- A pre matrimonial client from Chennai.

4. "I m thankful to God and also to you & ur team. U did a good job. Thanks"

- A post matrimonial lady client, Bangalore.

5. "Thanks a lot for putting all this together and for excellent service."

- An individual client from US.

6. "While searching job on social sites for detective agent, I found your company site and reviewing company's details, services, transparency and network, I realize that the company is the mile stone in this sector."

- A job seeker.

7. "Thanks a lot for your email, I appreciate your prompt and precise reply, I had actually enquired at other agencies and your reply appealed to me the most, I'm presently residing in USA right now….."

- Extract from an enquiry.

8. "Thanks for being honest and clear."

- A corporate client from Delhi.

9. "Sir, I read your report. I am satisfied with the findings. Your telephonic update was also useful in finalizing this match. Thanks a lot"

- A pre matrimonial lady client from Mumbai.

10. Second Marriage

"Hi and thanks a lot. Your report has been an eye opener for me, of great help. Also it is quite a shock since….."

- An individual lady client from Jammu.

11. "As a customer I must be worried knowing the fact there are many detective agencies who take money and won't give any information, moreover some agencies join hands with the other party. Sorry to mention this, these doubts come to mind because of so many agencies who does such things. But by reading the testimonial about your organization, I got confidence and that's why decided to check with you."

- Extract from an enquiry.

12. Finally......I am a true believer of the fact that all is well that ends well. Thanx for ur detailed inv and the report. It definitely is going to go a long way in helping me take a wise and a sensible decision. As of now nothing more is coming in my mind bout which I want to enquire about.

Though no matter however small an interaction this was with you on personal/professional grounds, it indeed was a unique one. On a lighter note, I hope not getting into situations where I need your services again and again, but it surely was a cherished one and I definitely will look forward for an interaction with you in the future.

13. "I appreciate your kind and genuine gesture regarding fee but I would never consider it an issue to pay if you locate them."

- A father trying to locate his missing son.

14. "As you have been very compassionate towards my case and would definitely recommend your service to others."

- A post matrimonial NRI lady client from London.

15. 'It's not question of fresh fee but possibility. Also, you have already paid our fee for this service / information hence need not to pay again.'

- Reply to an old client.

16. "I'm so far impressed with progress you have made with the investigation. Also, one of my friend need your service in lucknow related to a pre marriage enquiry….."

- An individual client from South Africa.

17. "Frankly, even you can procure such spy cameras from any electronic store, locally. You do not need to pay our service fee for this. Feel free to contact, if we could be of any other help. Good luck!"

- Our reply to an enquiry.

18. "Thx i appreciate ur help n concerns. god bless"

- Bollywood Celebrity.

19. "This is the 4th time I am using your services. My past 3 experiences have been wonderful and hope this time also you would exceed my expectation, as you have rightly mentioned on your website that 'We do not believe in meetings clients expectations but exceeding them'.

- An individual client from Orissa.

20. "Thanks for your diligent work in moving this case forward. I really appreciate your careful and planned approach."

- CEO of an advertising firm.

21. "I had contacted your company regarding background investigation of a girl around January last year. Because of your efforts I was able to find out that the girl was not exactly marriage material. This saved my family and me from embarrassment.

Now my family has chosen another girl for me. I would like you to do the same investigation that you did for the other girl."

- A pre matrimonial client from Chandigarh.

22. "Thank you so very much for all you did for me, you don't know how very grateful I am. Right now I feel a bit relieved, a bit anxious and a bit scared. Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart. Whether my marriage will lasts will be determined by her answers to my questions."

- A post matrimonial client from Surat.

23. "Dear VIS Team, Your evidence on her employment was useful in the court. Appreciate your sincere assistance"

- An individual client from Pune.

24. "Though I did not used your services but your advice was very helpful. Thanks for your honest & frank advice."

25. "Thanks for all your help. It saved my daughters life from marrying a wrong individual. Thanks from bottom of my heart. Keep this good job. God bless you."

- A mother from Hyderabad.

26. "Thanks a lot Sir.I am really very grateful.I wish you and Veteran Investigation agency a very bright future."

- An individual client from Haryana.

27. "Thank you for sending the media articles. I am going through it. Believe me, the situtaion which I had faced and still facing is also worth mentioning in media, to spread awareness about harassment in work place. The blunder I had made was to hire local detective agencies. Not only I lost so much money but also time."

." - A lady client from Kolkata.

28. I know saying thanks will be insulting to your efforts to get us together….I will pray to god for you and your family's wellbeing. God bless you.

- A lady client from Bangalore (Post Matrimonial Case).

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